This is the third clip from my interview with Professor Karen Schlimp, an extremely experienced Austrian improvisation teacher and co-author (with Peter Jarchow) of Impromosaik, a German language book with unlimited ideas for improvisation. It’s a fantastic concept and a lot of fun in lessons, so I asked Karen how she came up with the idea.
If you’d like a closer look, there’s a preview below that gives a brief idea of one set of possible instructions (I’ve added English translations in italics). Every single card can be changed freely, which is what creates the unlimited possiblities.

The book is published by Breitkopf und Härtel and is currently only available in German, but Prof. Schlimp has already prepared an English translation and it would be wonderful if this got published too. If you’re interested, write a comment — I’ll forward them to Breitkopf!
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